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Bitrix Integration

Step 1. Authorization


Note that the correct operation of the plug-in can only be guaranteed with absolute links.

  • Sign in with your username and password in the administrative part of 1C-Bitrix.
  • In the left side menu, select "Marketplace" and get the application on demand "CDNvideo".
  • Install the application.

Step 2. Configuring a module

Follow in the "Settings" menu and select the installed application "Accelerating site from CDNvideo".


Step 3. Configuring a module

Turn on the unit and select the tab “CDN for files". Saving the changes is not needed for this stage.


Step 4. Caching small static files

  1. Section "CDN for files" is intended to cache files which don’t exceed 1 MB. Usually, these are files with the following extensions:

    • jpg
    • png
    • css
    • js
    • gif
  2. Enter the domain name to CDNvideo network (taken from the letter that you sent to our manager) and set the caching time (set in seconds, 2 weeks displayed by default).

  3. Click on the "Save" button.
  4. Congratulations! You are connected to the CDN.
  5. You can always clear the cache for a given section. Note that the cache is cleared only for selected domain. Total cash, for all domains can be reset in the "General Settings".


Step 5 (Optional). Caching heavy static files

  1. Important!

    You need a separate domain on CDNvideo network to work with this section. Refer to your manager or to technical support to figure this out.
  2. The “CDN for video and audio” section is for caching the files which exceed 1 MB. As a rule, these are the files with the following extensions:

    • mp3
    • mp4
    • ogg
    • flv
  3. Open the section.

  4. Input the name of the domain on CDNvideo network.
  5. Click “Save”.
  6. You can clear the cache for a given section anytime. Note that the cache can be cleared only for selected domain. The shared cache, for all domains, can be reset in the "General Settings" section.


Step 6 (For experienced users).

Browsers limit the number of concurrent downloads from a single domain. To work around this limitation, you can set up multiple CNAME and thus ensure a faster loading of your website. To activate this option you need:

  1. Contact your manager or our technical support and customize to your account multiple CNAME.
  2. Specify in the application all the selected domains, separated by commas, as shown in the figure.
  3. Do not forget to save your changes.
